27-Six of Questing Mage Tarot Meanings

Not looking for The Six of Questing Tarot Card Meanings Mage Deck? You will see a search option at the bottom of the page. We have many pages just to get you precisely where you want to go.

    The Six of Questing: Upright Meanings

    • Leadership
    • Good News
    • Success

    The Six of Questing: Reversed Meanings

    • Postponement
    • Bad News
    • Pride In Riches

    The Mage Tarot The Six’s

    The Four Sixes in the Tarot represent stability and security or the potential or opportunity to find it. A halt or ceasefire has been called on their individual battles or difficulties. Now that the storm has passed each Suit will seek comfort, harmony, peace and equilibrium in the only way they know which is governed by their influencing Element. Sixes reflect one’s journey toward harmony. There are three parts to this concept. The first is that, in order to take a journey, one must begin by leaving. Sixes are cards of departure. The second part is the journey itself. Sixes are cards that remind you to live in the present as you move through this transition. The third part of the concept summarizing cards with this number is harmony. When a card with the number six appears in your Tarot reading, the outcome will be harmonious.

    The Mage Tarot Suit of Questing

    The Suit of Questing is associated with primal energy, spirituality, inspiration, determination, strength, intuition, creativity, ambition and expansion, original thought and the seeds through which life springs forth. Wands deal with the spiritual level of consciousness and mirror what is important to you at the core of your being. Wands are also indicative of all things that you do during the day to keep you busy, be it working at the office, home or the great outdoors. Wands have to do with movement, action and initiatives and the launching of new ideas. They may be indicative of a never-ending ‘Ideas List’ or ‘To Do List’, whereby the client has many projects on the go to keep them busy. The negative aspects of the Suit of Wands include illusion, egotistical behaviour, impulsiveness, a lack of direction or purpose, or feeling meaningless.

    With deep rich colors, the overall look is dark at times, as the deck was originally set in a ‘ World of Darkness’. The Mage Tarot is a deck of destiny. Within its 78 cards lies a Path from sleep to Awakening. It symbols are the signposts which mark the journey of the soul through the World of Darkness into a realm of greater possibilities.

    Although this page is designed to be viewed individually when you search for Six of Questing Mage Tarot Meanings, you will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books to suggest to you. Please check them out.

    Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

    Complete Book of Tarot
    Book Details

    Complete Book of Tarot: Kudos! When upright, the Six of Wands is a card of accomplishment, recognition, honors, and victory. You are rewarded for a job well done, even if it’s just cleaning the house, and can enjoy the fruits of your labors. Creative energy and the cooperation of others are available to help you to advance and accomplish your goals. Great news may be on its way. In Etteilla’s day, this card implied dealings with messengers, housework, and domestic workers.

    Tarot Books Best Tarot Cards

    Creative Tarot: Which is exactly what the Italian writer Italo Calvino did. He was not a specialist in the cards. He stated on more than one occasion that his interest in tarot was not scholarly, nor was he interested in learning how to read the cards skillfully. He found the people on the cards fascinating, as well as all the different interpretations—all the ways a story could be told simply by the patterns that one could create by laying out the cards randomly.

    Complete Book of Tarot: Sometimes the term ‘tarot’ is applied loosely to any deck used for divination. Technically speaking, most dictionaries define tarot as a set of seventy-eight cards consisting of twenty-two trump cards, forty pip cards, and sixteen court cards. Nonetheless, several decks have appeared under the rubric of ‘tarot’ without the classical structure of the standard Marseille deck. Such decks can be considered nonstandard tarots.

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