- Lawsuit Or Quarrel
- Courage
- Competition
The Five of Wands: Reversed Meanings
- New Opportunities
- Harmony
- Generosity
The Rider Waite Tarot The Five’s
Fives in The Minor Arcana represent change and the need for change. The energy of Five changes the order of things for either good or bad. Unlike most other cards in tarot where the Upright aspect is deemed to be more positive, the Five changes this pattern by being more positive when Reversed. Five just has to be different, or difficult! When Upright, it can be rigid and narrow as it resists change or struggles with it. When Reversed it becomes all-embracing and accepting. However, because Reversed Cards can be extreme, the conflict of the Upright can become intense. Alas, due to Five’s overriding erratic nature, both the Upright and Reverse aspect can bring great extremes. The orientation of Five dictates the manner in which it deals with or approaches change. The change brought about by Five is often unexpected or chaotic.
The Rider Waite Tarot Suit of Wands
The Suit of Wands is associated with primal energy, spirituality, inspiration, determination, strength, intuition, creativity, ambition and expansion, original thought and the seeds through which life springs forth. Wands deal with the spiritual level of consciousness and mirror what is important to you at the core of your being. Wands are also indicative of all things that you do during the day to keep you busy, be it working at the office, home or the great outdoors. Wands have to do with movement, action and initiatives and the launching of new ideas. They may be indicative of a never-ending Ideas List’ or To Do List’, whereby the client has many projects on the go to keep them busy. The negative aspects of the Suit of Wands include illusion, egotistical behaviour, impulsiveness, a lack of direction or purpose, or feeling meaningless.
The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck is the most popular and widely used tarot card deck in the world, printed from plates that were destroyed during the bombing of London during World War II. Full of symbolism and deeper meanings, Arthur E. Waite, the intellectual father of the Rider Waite deck, commented that ‘the true Tarot is symbolism; it speaks no other language and offers no other signs.’
Although this page is designed to be viewed individually when you search for Five of Wands Rider Waite Tarot Meanings, you will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books to suggest to you. Please check them out.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: Card 5, the possible outcome, was the Five of Wands, a group of young men engaged in rivalry and competition. This card suggests that he and his girlfriend were likely to be at odds about having a baby at this time. He agreed, adding that it would be very disruptive to his career to start a family just now.
Complete Book of Tarot: According to the Golden Dawn, several major arcana cards are associated with the element Air and the airy suit of Swords. These include:
Portable Magic: At once release your will to be united with the other person. Direct it with your right hand and arm as though casting forth a glowing lance of white fire from your heart centre through the centre of the triangle of golden light that floats upon the air above the raised dais of the three elemental trumps. Feel yourself snatch the fiery lance of your will out of your heart centre and fling it through the centre of the triangle. Visualize the upright astral triangle filling with bright radiance.
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