Upright Meanings: caring, willingness, mature compassionate male, devoted, easy going, romantic, friendly, good husband/partner/father, loyal, faithful, married man, family orientated, affectionate, balanced, generous, charming, wise, diplomatic, sympathetic, enjoyment, spiritual guide, calm, tolerant, kindness
The Teacher speaks of balanced male and feminine energy; he holds all the positive qualities of both masculine and feminine. Often he indicates a literal man in your life. Usually, when he represents a live person’, he’s referring to a very kind and loving man, who will generally have hair on the lighter end of the spectrum. Know that you are supported by the universe, in ways seen and unseen, when he appears.
Reversed Meanings: conman, overly emotional, gullible, rape, unkind, cheater, crafty, violent, violence, repressed, blocked creativity, cold, depressed, overwhelmed, anxious, affair with married man, scandal, uncaring, unbalanced, withdrawn, controlling, manipulation, double-dealer, deviance, emotionally immature male, moody
The Teacher reversed is about balanced male and feminine energy; he holds all the positive qualities of both masculine and feminine. There can be an element of risk-taking energy when he appears.