18 The Guardian Angel Of Young Adults – Upright

What do reversed cards/card strength mean?

This angel carries the key which it provides for growing into happy, stable adults, able to find the. balance, between work and pleasure, and who know the difference between what is good and what does not serve us. It blesses us as we take responsibility for life.

The Guardian Angel Of Young Adults

Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Form , The Guardian Angel of Young Adults is in the group known as Guardian Angels.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: To help young adults choose a clear direction
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: This angel can help you to take responsibility for your life; follow the direction in which your heart leads you; make wise and careful decisions for yourself

This Guardian Angel watches over all people starting to make their own path in life. This is a time when the wholesome nurturing of childhood begins to yield results. It is also the time when we trust we are making healthy choices for our lives. This angel can help us make honest and clear decisions which can enhance our chances for growth and development. It can help guide us towards the right job choices, where our talents will be appreciated; and towards the right partners who can give us the love and encouragement we need to achieve our full potential.

This is the angel who helps us maintain a sense of humour when things appear to be going wrong or when we feel that we have lost a valuable opportunity. From this angel we can also receive assurance that we are always on the right path towards fulfilling our life’s purpose. It is essential for us to recognize that no matter how many twists in the road we find on our path in life we will eventually be led to do that which allows us the opportunity to express our being to the fullest.

We can pray to our Guardian Angel to show us the right direction for our life’s purpose. We can ask for comfort when we suffer loss or separation, or when we feel hurt or overwhelmed by the ways of the world and find our innate faith shaken.

This angel blesses and protects us whenever we feel we need more confidence or assurance, and comforts us when we are lonely or uncertain about how to do our very best. We can ask for trust and confidence in whatever we do, wherever we may find ourselves. With the help of this angel we can stay hopeful that everything which happens to us is for our highest good and greatest joy.

Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books

Development for Beginners
Book Details
Development for Beginners: Ka: This is what was considered to be a person’s ‘double,’ also referred to as an ‘astral projection.’ After death, the Ka would linger on inside the tomb, inhabiting either the person’s body or in some cases, a statue of the deceased. The Ka was regarded as being independent, however, so it could freely move around. There was a duality that existed within the Ka, with it consisting of a higher, guardian angel-like Ka, and a lower Ka, which resulted from knowledge that had been ascertained on earth.

Angel Books

Development for Beginners: She has authored more than 20 books pertaining to Chakras, angels, and the health and diet niche, including best-sellers Healing with the Angels and Messages from Your Angels. Additionally, Dr. Virtue was the founder and former director of the Nashville, Tennessee WomanKind Psychiatric Hospital.

Angel Insights : The main reason your guardian angels are so excited to see you reading this book is because they want to have a closer connection with you. Your guardian angels know the more you learn about them, and the better you get at communicating with them, the more you will ask for your guardian angels’ assistance, the more you will recognize their presence, and the more your guardian angels can guide you and aid you.

  • Do get in touch if you need more information about The Guardian Angel of Young Adults and we don’t have it. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for another angel reading!

Angel Insights : Maybe the idea of angels has always resonated with you, but you don’t really know much about them. Or maybe you occasionally sense that you’re getting a message from an angel, but you want to feel a stronger bond to the angel realm and wish to communicate with angels frequently. Whether you want to learn more about angels, want to learn how to receive guidance from your angels, or are an old hand at angelic communication and just want to pick up some new tricks, this book will help you create a closer connection to the angel realm.