Your Chosen Card – The Chariot Upright Golden Deck

When upright, the Chariot urges you to master the situation in the midst of changing circumstances. You must take the reins of the chariot on which you travel through life. Inside the protective shell of your personality, you have the necessary resources to accomplish your goals. Success will depend on your ability to use reason to strike a balance between your ambitions and your appetites, which may be pulling you in different directions. It is important to set clear boundaries and to respect your own limits. Now is a time to think clearly, take control, and assume direction of your life. Often the Chariot appears when you are planning a trip or are about to embark on a significant journey, be it literal or metaphorical.
Keywords Upright: Strength of purpose, taking the reins, establishing clear boundaries, maintaining protective walls, travel, prudence, determination, controlling opposing forces, triumph over obstacles in your path, having a clear direction, setting out on a quest, staying focused on your goal, relying on inner resources, mastery, a journey, a car or other vehicle, respecting your own limits, a hard shell, the straight and narrow path.
Key VII: The Chariot
Myths/Archetypes: Hecate. Auriga virtutem. Cancer, the sign of the crab. Platos chariot as an analogy for the three-part human soul (reason, will, appetite). The NASCAR driver.
Dates of Cancer: 21 June22 July (tropical); 16 July17 August (sidereal)
Astrology: Cancer, the Crab (a Water sign ruled by the Moon). In the Waite-Smith tarot, a flowing river separates the canopied chariot from the walled city behind.
Numerology: 7 (Chariot) = 1 + 6 (The Tower)
Golden Dawn: Triumph, victory, good health, success (though sometimes not enduring success).
When The Chariot is upright you can pretty much take it that life is going well but that’s when life takes us by surprise. If The Chariot is unclear it may help to choose a card from the Major Arcana to provide more insight into what it is The Chariot is trying to tell you. If you had a particular issue in mind, or want to seek clarification on something else, you can also choose again to get more guidance.
This chosen card is part of your upright card reading for The Chariot using cards from the Golden Tarot Deck. You will find many more tarot pages that will be of great help if you need tarot card meanings. Use the search at the bottom of the page. We have some amazing tarot books for you to browse. Please see below.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Book Details
Complete Book of Tarot: Golden Dawn: Voluntary change (as opposed to the involuntary change of the Death card), dissatisfaction; when ill-dignified the Moon may signify deception, error, falsehood.
Development for Beginners: Im sure you know the saying, ‘Silence is golden.’ Well, this also applies to intuition development. So shhh I want you to take time each day to experience silence. Make like a mime, mute librarian, and silent film star all rolled into one. Quiet your mind and just listen.
- Do get in touch if you looked for The Chariot and we don’t have it listed. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for more online tarot information!
Development for Beginners: Im sure you know the saying, ‘Silence is golden.’ Well, this also applies to intuition development. So shhh I want you to take time each day to experience silence. Make like a mime, mute librarian, and silent film star all rolled into one. Quiet your mind and just listen.