What do reversed cards/card strength mean?
Archangel Raziel, meaning ‘secret of God,’ can help you gain a greater understanding and mastery of mysticism, the power of magic, and the ability to manifest. Raziel is a spiritual scholar who aids those with a natural inclination to study heady, esoteric spiritual texts, and also guides humans toward spiritual books and tools as each individual becomes ready to reach higher levels of enlightenment. Raziel wants to assure us that magic and manifesting are tools for good, and that anyone trying to use these skills selfishly or to harm another will be halted and hindered by the wisdom and power of Spirit. Raziel will no longer act as a guide to these misguided individuals, but rather a roadblock. Raziel can also help you improve your psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience.
Belonging to the REALM: Heaven of Form, The Archangel Raziel is in the group known as Archangels.
ANGELIC FUNCTION: He is said to know all the secrets of the universe and helps with spirituality and clairvoyance. He can open you up to higher levels of psychic abilities and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel Divine guidance. He also helps with alchemy, divine magic and manifestation.
GIFTS FOR THE EARTH: Raziels message: Each of us has a bit of the wizard inside, the ability to pray over a situation and affect its outcome. This power should always be intended for the highest good of yourself and others, never for harm. Those attempting to use Gods gifts of manifestation for harm will only succeed in harming themselves. Remember that the world is a magical place, full of mystery and wonder. Embrace that fact, for it is what makes the world compelling. All things under the sun are under the constant supervision and light of Spirit. Play with manifesting, for this is how you create. And trust that whatever form your intention takes, it is always for your highest good, and the highest good of those around you.
Raziel always knows the answer. He heightens our faith and belief in God and spirits. to me, he is the most knowledgeable of all the Angels. He possesses a deeper understanding of life in general, and encourages us to strengthen our bonds to the spiritual realm – especially in God and the Archangels.
His energy is mature and wise. His words are direct, intelligent, and patient. He has a lot of knowledge to share, so it’s best to pay attention when he’s around. You can call on him when you need to restore your faith in God, or if you need to restore faith in yourself. I find that he comes around when I have a lot of life questions. He answers them in ways I never could imagine.
Raziel`s messages may come to you in different ways, depending on which of your physical senses he communicates with spiritually. Sometimes Raziel sends images through clairvoyance. Raziel may also communicate with you through clairaudience so you may actually hear his messages.
Raziel knows how to ‘reach out and touch someone’, just who it is they want to reach out to. Communication in the higher realms is no different to here once you learn the proper skills, refine your availability and only accept communication from those you choose. However, it is during the process of ‘learning the ropes’ that is the most dangerous of times.
Raziel teaches us that if we are willing to cast aside the fears, prejudice and mind control of those seeking to influence us, we can easily restore our innate abilities to communicate with others.
Here are some snippets from a few of my favorite books
Angel Insights
Book DetailsAngel Insights : Lets start by discussing the type of angel people are most familiar with: guardian angels. Your guardian angels are different from your helper angels, and your guardian angels are not archangels. You will have relationships with many angels throughout your life, but the relationship you have with your guardian angels is the most intimate, the most constant.
Elements of the Psychic World: Blake lived and died in relative poverty. He received little formal schooling, which makes his visionary interpretations of the Bible and the classics all the more remarkable. From a young age he experienced visions; when he was ten he told his father he had seen hosts of angels in a tree, and when his brother, Robert, died at the age of 20, he saw his soul ascend heavenward clapping its hands for joy. Throughout his life Blake drew his strength from the spirit world. He believed deeply in the human imagination – indeed, that it was the only reality – and he often spoke with the apparitions, angels, devils and spirits that he drew and engraved in his work. His interest in the spirit world brought him into contact with many of the visionaries and writers of his time, such as Emanuel Swedenborg.
Angel Insights : Archangel Raziel, meaning ‘secret of God,’ can help you gain a greater understanding and mastery of mysticism, the power of magic, and the ability to manifest. Raziel is a spiritual scholar who aids those with a natural inclination to study heady, esoteric spiritual texts, and also guides humans toward spiritual books and tools as each individual becomes ready to reach higher levels of enlightenment. Raziel wants to assure us that magic and manifesting are tools for good, and that anyone trying to use these skills selfishly or to harm another will be halted and hindered by the wisdom and power of Spirit. Raziel will no longer act as a guide to these misguided individuals, but rather a roadblock. Raziel can also help you improve your psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance and clairaudience.
- Do get in touch if you need more information about The Archangel Raziel and we don’t have it. We would be more than happy to source the information for you. We hope you visit again for another angel reading!
Angel Insights : Angels are constantly trying to reach usthrough our thoughts, our feelings, children, animals, nature, music, and the synchronicities that show up in our lives. Communicating with angels is possible for everyone, but it does take some practice for most people. For you it may be just a matter of meditating about your angels or journaling to them. Or it might take a little more time and effort. In either case, I encourage you to get to know your angels personally. In the meantime, if you are struggling with a certain emotion, trying to make sense of a common situation, or longing for wisdom about your role here on earth as a spiritual being in a physical body, the angel messages in this book contain reassuring guidance from angels that applies to anyones life.